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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sharing My Home with Fran Drescher

Ok.. so maybe I fibbed a little, she's not Fran, but she is the Nanny.
It has been four weeks since Rae(or at least that is what we will call her for the purpose of this blog), came to work for us.  I have always wanted or wished for a Nanny with my other two children, just so I could avoid having to put them in the Germ Pit we call daycare.  With both my 14 year old and my 5 year old I was lucky to find in home childcare for them for the first year.  But, in both cases when daycare started so did the colds, ear infections, rashes, etc. And, being a single mom at that time, it was enough to nearly send me over the deep end.
This time around our baby girl had reflux and its a nightmare in adults, so its down right nasty for a baby.  There was no way a daycare could give her the kind of care that she was going to need.  So we had to find a Nanny.  We were blessed because we got a reccomendation and one pretty much fell into our laps.  And, after $200 worth of background checks she was hired.
So I think the basic idea is that having a nanny cuts down on the amount of things that you yourself have to do.  But, I think that may only apply if she actually lives in.  The girls basically keep her busy all day, and aside from having the bottles sterilized, and made when I get home.  Which is a really HUGE THING in my world.  Life pretty much resumes as usual when I walk through the door.
And, guess what, we now have to make a greater effort to make it look like we have a live in maid.  Because why, Mommy doesn't want the Nanny to think that she didn't have time fold the laundry, do the laundry, disinfect the kitchen and the bathrooms and what not.  So stuff that could wait until the weekend, well it can't anymore.
The moral of the story is I think in order for a Live Out Nanny to be truly a lifesaver, you have to Live Out too, if you can go home when she does then maybe... You can really appreciate her.  But, if you have to actually live with your family, it just aint all its cracked up to be...

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