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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lyfe Before and After a New Baby

Would it be totally selfish to say that I miss lyfe pre-baby, don't get me wrong, I totally love my baby girl, but I guess when you have been out of the newborn game for a while, you truly forget just how demanding a job it can be.
And, this time around a little bit older, and more anal, well being a Mom has truly taken on a whole life of its own.  Not to mention, the juggling act that I feel pressured,(mostly by myself) to make my other children feel like they can still have as much of Mommy's attention as always.  Which well, of course they can't, cause there are only 24 hours in the day, and as shocking as this will be to all of you, I only have two hands.
Also, with a newborn being anal as far as keeping the house clean, turns into being even more anal, because you don't want your baby picking up any unneccesary germs because you answered sleeps call instead of the dustbusters call.  Aaaaahhh... (Sorry I think a scream was warranted there, don't you).
Then theres the hubby, for all intents and purposes, we are still newlyweds, we have been married exactly 14 months, and though I knew that we needed to have a baby right away because neither of us are spring chickens. I miss date night.  The week was always crazy for us since we both work full time jobs, and the older kids had activities and what not.  But, come hell or high water, up until Baby Morgan, Friday night was our night, just the two of us.  We try to still do it but with a 2 month old and sometimes a 5 year old under foot, it just isnt't the same.
So this Saturday, I am stealing time.  Yes, STEALING IT, because I have that Momma Guilt.  My girlfriend is coming to the house to sit with the baby, my five year old is spending the weekend with the Grands.  And hubby and I are going on an OFFICIAL DATE NIGHT.  We are doing dinner and a movie, I plan to get all gussy'd up, and we are going out to remind each other just "WHY WE GOT MARRIED".  And, hope that we both don't fall dead asleep in the darkness of the Movie Theatre.

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